Category Archives: Evangelism

Solid Foundation

In a previous blog, we talked about the 6-day creation being written in stone. You will see that the 6-day, Genesis creation provides a basis for all doctrine. In this blog, we will take a couple of points of doctrine that have been puzzling to many, and show how the 6-day creation answers them.

Question 1: Whom did Cain marry? The answer to this is simple when you accept the 6-day creation: he married his sister, niece, or some other offspring of Eve (his mother).

Genesis 4:16  Then Cain went away from the presence of the LORD and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden.

Genesis 4:17  Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. When he built a city, he called the name of the city after the name of his son, Enoch.

Nowadays it is unacceptable to marry your sister or first cousin. Why? Because of the chance of genetic (DNA) problems. In the beginning, there were no genetic (DNA) problems, because the DNA was still ” very good.”  Currently, humans develop mutations at the rate of approximately 200 per generation. In other words, you have 200 more DNA mutations than your parents.

(Note: Genetic mutations are either harmful or neutral, but never good. These mutations entered the world through sin, and sin destroys, it never improves anything.)

When close relatives marry, these mutations combine and cause birth defects and/or disease. Only recently have genetic (DNA) mutations been understood. It is interesting that the law, as given to Moses, forbade marrying a close relative. Prior to the law, our genes were still good enough to marry close relatives; it is clear that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob married close relatives.  Abraham married his half sister. Isaac and Jacob married their cousins.

Question 2: How do the dinosaurs fit into the Bible?   According to the book of Genesis, all creatures were created in the first six days, including the dinosaurs. The dinosaurs were created on the 5th and/or 6th day. This means they coexisted with Adam and Eve; incidentally, Adam gave them their names. Many Christians have been bombarded by the lie of “Evolution” and have compromised the 6-day creation. This is a pity and someday they will be embarrassed.

It is true that some dinosaurs were 120 feet long and weighed over 100 tons, which causes some to wonder how they could fit in Noah’s Ark. This is not a problem: God is a God of mercy and very intelligent; He wouldn’t give Noah a pair 100 ton dinosaurs to transport and feed for a year; He would provide Noah with juveniles, or even un-hatched eggs. The largest dinosaur egg ever found is smaller than a basketball. A juvenile Tyrannosaurs Rex could easily ride on Noah’s shoulder. When you raise juvenile animals, they bond to you and they lose their fear. So immediately after Noah and the animals left the ark, God solved this problem by giving the fear of mankind to the animals:

Genesis 9:2  And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.

 When you have questions, start with the 6-creation; and, you will see that it is the foundation for all doctrine. Much of my doctrine is based on Genesis 1:31.

Genesis 1:31  And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.

When God completed the creation, it was “very good.” He did it for us, so we would have life, to have a home, and a place to belong. There was no death, no genetic mutations, no destruction. However, sin entered the world and we now have many problems, and it would be tempting to say that Genesis 1:31 is no longer true; but, it is true because we know that God planned for imperfection: His creation also included:

A Savior (if needed)

A new heaven and earth (if needed)

So, the creation is “very good,” and we have the promise of returning to the original status of no death and no sin. This world is deteriorating rapidly, but it, and we, will be redeemed. Dear children and friends, our future is very bright.

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It’s Written in Stone

The Bible is an amazing book: the history, the prophesy, the science, the depth of spiritual matters. Many, like myself, believe it is truly the Word of God. There is one part of the Bible that is particularly important: it is the portion that was written on stone tablets by the finger of God. These tablets were in the possession of the Israelites for hundreds of years and studied and copied over and over. We know exactly what was on them. One of these scriptures was,

“Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work. . . For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. . .” (Exodus 20:9-11)

This is very interesting; it is written in stone that God created the heaven and earth in six days! It has to be six literal days because He says that we should work the same amount of time He worked and rest the same amount of time that He rested.

There are, however, many highly respected scientists that believe the earth and the universe is much older that what the Bible says. They say they have overwhelming evidence to prove an old earth and universe. Therefore, many Christians have compromised their belief to accommodate the opinion of these scientists. Many Christians have accepted the idea that there are gaps in the six day Genesis creation. Some of the gaps could be thousands, millions, or even billions of years. This concept has been accepted by the highest levels of Christian leaders. This is a pity and they will be very embarrassed some day. They have put the word of man above the Word of God.

If you accept that the six day creation has gaps, the whole Bible collapses; it’s the domino effect. First creation, then the flood and Noah, then the ten commandments, then Jesus, then the gospels, then the letters, then the prophets; it all collapses. But, God did create the earth and the universe in six literal days and the Bible is the only source of truth because God was the only one present at the creation.

He could have created it in a day, or an hour, or even a second; but, He created it in six days and rested on the seventh, giving us the concept of a week. God did it to bless us because He knew that we needed a day of rest. He created us that way.

So, what do we do about the “overwhelming,” scientific evidence? I have spent the last year studying the “overwhelming” evidence and have found that it isn’t overwhelming at all. I have also found that there are many respected scientists that have accepted the literal six day creation in the Bible. When you look at rock strata, comets, super novae, erosion, continental shelves, dinosaurs, fossils, DNA, coal mines, oil fields, diamonds, and every thing else, you see the earth and universe are young. The overwhelming evidence is for a young earth and universe. There are scientific advances every day and the old earth theory is on the verge of collapse. The only reason it is still accepted and taught is because the “world” refuses to believe in the alternative: God created. They believe in the old earth not because of the evidence, but because they want to.

In future blogs, I will present evidence of the young earth and universe. However, the prime reason for believing the earth and universe are young is because it is written in stone by the finger of God.

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It’s Personal

If you are involved with soul winning, you probably have developed your own personal method of leading people to Christ. This is a typical method:

1. Read several scriptures to show that he/she needs God

2. Discuss grace and back it up with some scriptures

3. Praying with the person, guiding him/her in accepting Christ as savior

4. Assure him/her that they are now saved and in the Kingdom of God

5. Develop a plan for his/her personal growth

So, what could possibly be wrong with this method? The problem lies in item number 4. If you use number 4, or something similar, you are:

A. Setting yourself up as savior and judge

B. Providing a false sense of eternal security

C. Promoting a bad habit: putting trust in man

The problem is that we can’t possibly know what is in another person’s heart. We don’t know if someone has truly committed his/her life to Christ. What we need to do is send them to God to work out their salvation. Read the accounts of what Jesus said to the thief on the cross, the Samaritan woman, Nicodemus, Peter, and Mary Magdalene. He treated everyone differently, and personally; He is the only one who has the authority to welcome people into the Kingdom of God.

Also, consider the rich young man who came to Jesus and asked, “what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?” (Matthew 19:16 KJV) Jesus did not say, you must be born again. Jesus didn’t talk about grace and redemption, nor did He talk about faith and propitiation. He asked if the young man kept all the commandments, and the young man said that he did. Then Jesus continued, ” If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.” (Matthew 19:21 KJV)  This response of Jesus is packed with information, but let me simply say that Jesus knew the young man’s weaknesses and Jesus put the young man in a position where he had to decide whether or not to make a full commitment. The young man chose not to follow Jesus because he was unwilling to part with his riches.

If the young rich man would have come to us and we would have applied the 5-point method outlined at the beginning of this blog, we most probably would not have told him to sell all his possessions and follow Christ. We wouldn’t have had the authority to say such a thing. But, by not knowing his heart, we could have very easily welcomed him into the Kingdom, keeping his riches intact, and given him a false sense of security.

So, should we stop witnessing? Absolutely not! Should we stop teaching people how to be born again? God forbid! We have the great commission, a responsibility to go into all the world and baptize and teach. But, we do not have the responsibility nor authority to make promises, make deals, or decide when someone is ready to enter the Kingdom of God.

Believers need to know the voice of the Lord and develop good communication early in their walk of faith. This is the way God wants it: a personal relationship with Him, and that His children are not dependent on heritage, credentials, church, friends, intellect, talent, nor even religion.

Pastors, if you give an altar call and people respond, make sure they understand this: they need to go to God and work out the details – you can’t do it for them. If you comfort them and say, now you are saved, you may be giving them a dangerous, false sense of security. Be willing to answers their questions the best you can, but encourage them to have one-on-one conversations with God and let God give them the sense of security and let God welcome them to the Kingdom. God said to Isaiah:

Isaiah 1:18  Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.(KJV)

 This is the same advice that Paul gave the Philippians and Timothy:

Philippians 2:12  . . . . work out your own salvation with fear and trembling (ESV)

1 Timothy 2:5  For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,

One of the most important aspect of leading people to Christ is to get them going in the right direction: communicating and reasoning with God on a personal basis. Encourage them to start a personal relationship with God: meeting with Him regularly, reading His word, and seeking His presence in their life.

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