Adam’s Rib

God Creates Eve

The Bible is the basis for all science. Consider the Biblical account of the creation of Eve by use of Adam’s rib.

Genesis 2:21 -22 So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the LORD God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. (ESV)

This is an interesting scripture. Adam was formed first from the earth, then Eve was made from Adam’s rib.

Human Ribs Regenerate

I recently read an article about a man who was in a serious automobile accident; he lived but required many reconstruction surgeries on his face and cranium. He noticed that the doctor was using rib material for the reconstruction, and it appeared that the doctor kept using the same rib. Before one surgery the man asked the doctor when would he have to start using a different rib. The surgeon told him that it wouldn’t be necessary since human ribs regenerate.

This seemed amazing, so I checked it out. It is true, PubMedID: documents 12 patients that were subject to cranioplasty surgery using their human ribs to rebuild cranium bone damage. Forty-two pieces of rib, an average length of 13 cm were removed to rebuild the cranium. All 12 patients “had solid protection of the brain” and “complete regeneration of the donor rib.”

Adam was Restored to Perfection

The rib is the only human bone that regenerates. Isn’t it lucky the Bible picked the right bone? No, actually, it wasn’t luck, God designed it that way and the Bible is the Word of God.

The fact that the rib regenerates supports another scripture:

Genesis 1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. (KJV)

If Adam would have had a missing rib, the creation wouldn’t be “very good,” but it would be blemished. However, we now know that Adam was totally restored to the “very good” condition; science confirms what has been in Genesis all along.

The Bible Got it Right

Here is another significant scientific fact concerning the creation of Eve. Adam, being a human male, had one X and one Y chromosome; Eve had two Xs. This may be a small point, but it shows that all the genetic information required to create Eve was in Adam. So, Eve could be taken from Adam, but Adam could not be taken from Eve. The Bible stands, pure.

If scientists considered the Bible as a scientific source, we wouldn’t waste so much time and resources. We are finding that the Bible accurately describes dark mass and energy, genetics, zoology, geology, paleontology, linguistics, and physics. The Bible has stood, stands, and will stand forever.

Post Note: It is a myth that women have fewer ribs than men.

Additional Reading:

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